6 jelly rolls of Jellies Solid Blue I got from Spotlight at half price. Yay! I love a good bargain.
I then had what turned out to be a very short discussion with Master J. So much for all that research! He was very clear on the design he wanted. Squares. Plain blue squares. But when I emailed him my version if blue squares he became very excited.
So I set to thinking "yay for jelly rolls, not too much cutting involved. I'll be sewing in no time." Wrong. I'm finding I need to "fix" each piece. This is the first time I've used jelly rolls and I was under the impression that they would be cut and ready for sewing. Did I just get a bad batch? Is Jellies brand renowned for poorly cut fabric? Are my pre-cut expectations just too high? Hmmmm.
Anyway, here are the blocks so far. I've sewn up 4 of each of these. I've got at least another 5 different blocks to make and I need enough to make a double bed sized quilt.
Im not sure if I want to line up the blocks so I have all straight lines or if I should offset each row to make it more interesting. A decision for later on I think.
I'm thinking of incorporating the scraps in the backing. I have a few ideas floating around in the grey matter. I won't discuss this with Master J. Some things need to remain a surprise for a birthday don't you think?!
Happy sewing.
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